Sunday, February 24, 2013

time flies...


renilde said...

...and life goes on, how quick they change that little boy and girl, the little boy growing but also still a little boy, the little girl looking more and more like her mother, the confidence in her gestures, Greta is becoming quite a little lady.
nice to see life is good there, xx

Ariane Reichardt said...

Hi, dear Rachel!
Nice to see your growing kiddos... your happy, pretty, perky kids!
Looks like you are having a good time.
You are on my mind.

Love to you and yours
xo Ariane

Unknown said...

Those little hands... enjoy the moments, Rachel. love, sus

Patrice A. said...

and your having a good time!
and boy, are they growing
I love Greta in het striped trousers and with her gitar
so grown up already

hello Rachel!!
with the hyacinth-photo's you were on my mind ;^))
our world turned white again and it's
still freezing cold
but soon there will be tulips again

Patrice A.

The Kender-Page said...

Love the bicycle!

Lil Muse Lily said...

looks like you have been up to lots of fun adventures with lots of friends. wonderful! hope all is well. xo

sarapirat said...

dear rachel,
oh yes it does...
almost march already! how did that happen???

love your new header. reminds me of and makes me feel like biking on european streets!

wonderful pictures again, your bunch is a lovely bunch!

Carole Reid said...

My goodness your little ones are growing! Love those little feet dangling so freely.

Peggy Ray said...

So sweet and precious! Glad you're catching so much in pictures. Magnifique!

nadine paduart said...

... when we're having fun...
have thought alot about you, since i've been elbow deep in treme, season 1. aside the drama, i've loved every single bit of the energy.