Sunday, April 26, 2009

nice wheels

Henry is getting very close to walking on his own. For now he is using the push cart that Greta used when she learned to walk. He likes to push for a few steps, stop and let go, balance for 3 seconds, then take off again, repeat. He is feeling very proud of his new skills and steady legs.

This afternoon Zach and Greta went out to run some errands, so Henry and I went to the cafe for coffee and some playtime. Across the street there is a bike shop. I have been thinking about getting Greta a bike for a while now, her legs are getting too long for the tricycle and she has ridden others and loved it. So feeling spontaneous and wanting to shop local, Henry and I crossed the street to the bike shop. Sure enough someone had just brought in a small pink bike for resale, hardly used. We chose some green grips, they attached the training wheels and we were good to go.
When Greta and Zach returned from their errands she found her surprise out on the deck. I think her first words were, "What is THAT?!"
She rode around the deck until it got dark. She was so worn out from riding in circles, she came in ate dinner, watched a little cartoon, then literally crawled into bed.
Awesome. She loves her bike.

1 comment:

Peggy Ray said...

Nice butt! And nice bike! And nice EZ rider!