Saturday, March 3, 2012

drawing challenge / blanket

Who doesn't love a cozy blanket?

I love to make quilts.  Especially for people that I love.  A blanket is a gift of love,warmth, and protection.
The quilts that I made for my kids follow us everywhere.  It makes a strange house in a strange city suddenly feel like home.

This one was for my dad.

I've had a headache for the better part of this week.  I didn't draw but enjoyed perusing old photos looking for blankets.
My Greta was the host this week.  


nadine paduart said...

like daughter, like mum and vice versa, in this theme, rache. :-)
sorry about the headche, do rub some peppermint essential oil on your forehead, why don't you?
wishing you a quiet, happy sunday and a good week.

in nola.

you lucky bird!


Ariane Reichardt said...

Oh, what a pain, headache. I hope you're well again,
dear Rachel!

You're lovely blankets are wonderful. Like wrappers of love.

What a wonderful idea to take them with you!

Have a cozy Sunday with your lovelies.
x Ariane.

lamediterrània said...

How beautiful your blankets are!
Do you like patchwork?
Well, each time I come in here you surprise me more, you're an artist! Pictures, drawings, bouquets and blankets, what comes next?

Watching the previous posts I realised how much I admire the way you teach your children and how happy they look when you take them anywhere... if I ever have children I want them to be like yours, curious, learning lovers, and I want myself to be such a good mum as you, I wish I can transmit them the love for knowledge and the will to enjoy learning.
Big kisses, you inspire me!

Patrice A. said...

dearest Rachel,
those blankets are beautiful!
I remember the one you made for your dad
such a clever idea and one to remember

sorry to hear about the headache
take your time to rest and be well soon

love and a soft warm hug

sarapirat said...

beautiful collections of blankets. that quilt, wow wow wow!
my close friend is giving birth in the end of this month. i would like to make her my first quilt. let's see if i will manage...

sarapirat said...

hope you are feeling better~!